The Healer Foundation

Professional Holistic Practitioner Network

Unity - Support - Ethics

Allied to the British Complementary Medicine Association

Photography ©Phil Benton

Welcome to our website

Have a look around to see what we do.

The Healer Foundation is a leading UK network with members involved in a wide range of complementary therapies. Our main aim is to provide a networking and support facility for everyone interested in holistic healing.

Our Mission Statement:

The Healer Foundation provides a professional body, a platform for Complementary & Energy medicine and a nurturing, understanding and supportive environment for therapists, healers – including trainees and those interested in holistic health.

The Healer Foundation is open for new members and we welcome approaches from qualified therapists and anyone with an interest in holistic healing.

Take five minutes to look through our web site. It explains what we do and you will find lots of good reasons to join the network. (The link to Join us contains a list of the many benefits you will find when you join).

Our open seminars

The Foundation hosts an annual energy medicine conference to showcase exceptional work and progress in holistic health. This provides an opportunity to experience the very best of therapeutic practice and methods of integrative energy therapy. It is also a platform for therapists to expand their knowledge and to gain attendance certificates for their CPD (Continual Professional Development)

Benefits of joining? 

You can see more about the benefits of joining the Healer Foundation on the following page. Join us.


Eve Campbell
General information

Admin and membership
Eve Campbell

Cathy Presto

Oliver Cherer

The Healer Foundation is affiliated to The British Complementary Medicine Association - an organisation that oversees its therapist members in accordance with its standards of training and codes of ethics and discipline.