The Healer Foundation

Join The Healer Foundation
(or renew your membership) 

Join a community of practitioners dedicated to the Healing and Holistic principles of Love and Light combined with a practical commitment to care. The Foundation is open to practising therapists of all modalities as well as individuals who simply wish to belong.

Membership fees at present are £40.00 for a one-off admin joining fee, plus a yearly subscription of £80.00 which covers your membership of both the Healer Foundation and the BCMA through to the following April. Please contact us for part year membership reduced rates.


Here's what you gain when you join us:

  • Community experience
    The opportunity to be part of a network of like - minded peers and colleagues.
  • Listing on a busy web site
    More business. Clients can find you either from the regional listing or directly after searching the internet
  • Optional full web page
    Far more cost-effective than your own web site. Search engines bring people straight to your page
  • Promotion for your therapy & workshops
    Advertise to network members and to the public on our busy web site and via stands at complementary health fairs
  • Quarterly meetings
    Meet colleagues, exchange experiences and ideas
  • CPD & on-going training
    Maintain your qualification and develop your skills with a choice of workshops and meetings that qualify for CPD
  • Learn new therapy skills
    Our education programme provides an extensive range of training from one-day workshops to a two- year Professional Healer Practitioner Course
  • Support and mentoring
    Running your own business can be lonely and hard. The team is here to help you develop your practice with continuing guidance and support
  • Privileged insurance rates
    Specially negotiated with a leading insurer for our members - often better value than traditional insurers (option)
  • BCMA allied membership
    An alliance with the leading ethical umbrella group for complementary medicine. Option to join the BCMA listing too.
  • Guidelines For Good Practice
    A manual covering ethical and legal guidelines for complementary practice
  • Action for future regulation
    Our working party is at the forefront in preparation for future government regulation that will one day affect all therapists.

Application forms etc:

To JOIN the network:
download an application form to print and mail.

Renewal forms
download here

Practitioner listing
You can see the current list of practitioners from this link.

BCMA information
Healer Foundation is allied to the British Complementary Medicine Association. To find out more about the BCMA, please visit their website -